Bye-see-bye healthy habits!

Monday, 17 September 2012

This week has been full of a lot of goodbyes and goodbye dinners, but next week it will be full of lots of 'hellos' to new people, it's funny how life balances out like that.

Today I went out for a goodbye lunch at Pizza Express- usually I have those greasy-buttery dough balls for a starter, but I thought as it was lunchtime I'd skip on multiple courses and went straight for a four seasons pizza (pepperomi, mushrooms, anchovies and olives) I switched out the anchovies for extra mushrooms and it was pretty delicious for someone who doens't 'looove' pizza

after we'd finished that and all agreed we were full the dessert menu came...


and then the chocolate fudge cake came...

and then the final goodbyes had to follow which were bitter but made a little sweeter by the thought of that delicious slice of cake... It's not totally unhealthy... it has a strawberry on it which is fruit after all! haha...


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