New online shopping frenzy!

Sunday 2 September 2012

I know for sure you've heard of Ebay, and if you've been reading my blog for some time you've probably heard me talk about Etsy but Storenvy is the new kid on the block for lots of at home crafters to sell their goods online.
So.. what makes it different to all the others?

-The people at Storenvy have tried to combine shopping and social networking to create this site, maybe this makes your heart sing, but the thought of another type of social network makes my head spin..tooo..many...usernames...!

- NO SELLER FEES woohoo! Unlike Etsy and Ebay who charge for listing and then take a chunk of the profits, these guys let you keep your hard earned cash

- It's little! At this point they are just reaching their 20,000th store opening, a whole lot less than Etsy and Ebay... smaller sites mean less competition on goods made for crafters!

Bad things...
- They encourage me to use Facebook to log in, I don't like connecting my facebook to other websites

-It's all priced in dollars! I'm a GBP gal

I recently purchased these Confetti tights by Sweetie Cakes Shop...

Awesome though they may be they took over a month to arrive... now Summers gone with it, and so has the pastel trend...ah well


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