Why today has been wonderfully lucky...

Monday, 23 January 2012

1.My beautiful patches from the other side of the world arrived! In an envelope covered with exotic stamps, here's a little peek of the patches!

Expect to see lots of wonderful Hello Kitty and Harajuku designs up soon, meanwhile, you can see the current treats I have for sale here:

2. I was able to rescue my videos from my camera!

3. While editing, I saved my video for the first time once it was nearly all edited and then thirty seconds later the software crashed!

4. Some footage that wasn't importing correctly suddenly decided to import correctly once the programme had crashed.

5. My friend has leant me the book 'One day' which I'm really excited to read although I've heard mixed thoughts- some people love it, others have said it's mediocre, I'm not sure where my thoughts are on this one!


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