First o' Feb o' FREEZING

Wednesday, 1 February 2012

Maybe it's cold where you are, or maybe it's not hit the cold scale yet, but here my thermometer on my computer tells me it's 0 degrees! And oh so windy, It's the wind that's the worst-leaving us with chapped cheeks and chilly toes!
Today when I was walking my thighs were actually stinging from the coldness, so I decided it was the right time of year to pull out all the stops and rescue my winter wear from storage, and buy some new pieces (i.e gloves) so that we can all say no to icy limbs in winter! And I promise, it can be done adorably too! We don't all have to look like serious mountain climbers in dodgy waterproofs, we can look fun and bring happiness to the bleak wintery streets and still be lovely and warm.

So first things first, a pair of wooly tights, then leggings, then two pairs of long stripey socks with cords over the top are going to keep you warmer than socks and a pair of heavy jeans. Lots of thin layers amount to much more warmth because air gets trapped between them, making us toasty.

Most of our heat is lost through our head, so this delicious cupcake shaped, lined, wooly hat with beaded sprinkles and a pom pom cherry has been keeping most of the heat in!
I realised I had to take the picture, after I was in my pjs with my makeup off writing this post, but I figured no one would mind my mint green hello kitty pj top, would they?
From Joe Browns Catalogue Winter 2010

My most favourite part, is probably my GLOVES, before these beautiful I'd been using some plain cream ones, but these have upstaged THEM ALL

These are my new best friends! Haha, only joking but they do look pretty friendly! I love their cherry red bow ties the most, and I feel like I need to name them, they came all the way from Japan, and if we're pally o' chummy on twitter then you'll know the catastrophe it was to get them, but here they are, and I rescued them from the Post Office holding place and now they're safely and snugly on my fingers.
If you want some of your very own (because well, why wouldn't you?) then snap them up here:

Finally, we must never ever underestimate the difference a scarf makes, it might be one of those things that you only realise you need once you've had it and then forget it one day. I was never major on scarves, 'hey how much difference can a bit of fabric make?' TONS is the real answer! Keeps your neck and chest from being horribly draughty and fills in all the gaps between your coat collar and top, plus you can wrap it up around to your ears if you've got a nice chunky knitted one. I have two so that I can wash them regualrly because they're always all over my face and winter is the time of coughs and colds galore, and we don't want to be spreading germys! Mine are: a black and white patterned one that is actually from Topman I think, and my other one is almost identical in design but the colours of a rainbow!

And after all that, a few more leggings, socks, jumpers and vests I'm out the door, phewwww...

So there you have it, and even if it's not cold where you are, know I'm very envious of the warm weather you have, but when the colder seasons come around for you too, at least you know that short days and grey skies don't have to mean dull  everything!

Happy windy first of February!


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