100th post and a new study-time video!

Friday, 27 April 2012

It's a double whammy of treats today and it's Friday!So maybe that's a triple whammy!?

First of all...
Happy 100th post day to my blog! Who would have thought? 100 days of writing about crafts and videos, tips and trick and all other kind of cray cray and peculiar posts.

I did not mean it to coincide with making a new video, but it does so here it is:

This is more of a practical how-to because although it may give you shudders to think about, exam season is upon us!
These tips work for all kinds of tests, exams, mid terms, end of terms, anything!

Please: take note that cramming is never ever a recommended form of studying, and for good reason- you won't be able to answer questions so insightfully with sophisticated links between theories and ideas than if you had learnt things over a longer period of time- this is true for theoretical topics
For numerical and more factual based topics, you won't be able to answer the hardest and higher level questions as easily, if at all.
But, cramming is going to be a million times better than nothing!

So cram this time- but next time make sure that you don't have to!


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