I HEART your corset

Sunday, 15 April 2012

So you're going to:

a) Alice in Wonderland Fancy Dress party
b) Tea party
c) Relax in the garden?

and you have a:
a) Few packs of playing cards
b) Ribbon
c) Hole punch
d) Staple/Glue gun

Then you can join in on this crafty creation!

-Get a willing model (the same size as you) and shape the cards around their torso
-Staple or glue gun the cards as you go, be careful not to injure your willing model
-Try and keep the cards in line for a neat patterns, or if you don't mind a 'scattered' look then attach the cards with less care and more haste
-Don't join the cards to fully meet in a circle so that the whole torso is covered as you need a gap about the width of a playing card to thread the ribbon
-Remove the corset of cards and evenly hole punch down the side
-Thread through a red ribbon


If you're feeling brave, you could try and master a skirt too!

Top tip:
You can buy playing cards super cheap from charity shops (literally pennies!)
You can create a theme by only using cards from on suit, but then you'll need more cards!
Wear a strapless cotton top underneth your corset for comfort, the edges can be sharp (and modesty incase any cards tear!)


Anonymous said...

you could make this a little more comfortable by sewing the cards to a piece of muslin after stapling then remove the staples, the cards would tear less easily and not cut or scratch

Anonymous said...

I LOVE this! Will start looking for decks of cards to collect as many hearts so I can be the Queen of Hearts for Halloween (just add some red duct tape to the back side for more support

AlexiaEsque said...

Charity shops are great places to look, the deck doesn't have to be a full set either to still be useful!

Libby said...

I love this! Going to try and make it for our "Anything but Clothes" end of term party!
Btw, I just found your blog and I love it! Take a look at mine, if you fancy laughing at the weirdness of my life :)

Anonymous said...

Im guna try it for our fashion show cant wait

waistcincherhq.com said...

Very nice !!

Unknown said...

u can also just take a dress and glue it on the cards if u dont have a model

Unknown said...

Hi there. Your dress looks amazing! Could we possibly use your image in a private video we're making to educate some kids? We want to show what is possible with everyday objects! Lucy at Revels in Hand

Anonymous said...

Hi, I am not able to find your youtube channel, Please help

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