On the walk to the Cadbury World you have to walk past the factories and the scent of melted chocolate gets your mouth salivating which is convenient as the first sight when you walk in is a HUGE Cadbury sweet shop!
Here's a little looky at what was inside...

Here's where you start, in a walk-through museum jungle where you learn a little bit about cocoa beans and where they came from
The educational stuff is then broken up by a little trip in a car at giant story books and cute cocoa beans dancing and fishing...

Then there's a few other educational-type bits before you finish up in the 'Advertising Avenue' where you see how Cadbury advertising has dated and changed
Then you're faced with displays of lots of fun things made out of chocolate like the Olympic stadium and a chocolate crown!
It was a combination of museumy type things, lots of education via videos, lots of walking, reading, and smelling chocolate and watching machinary in action.
There's lots of different 'zones' where you look at the advertising part of Cadbury, the manufacturing, the packagaing etc
As for free stuff- everyone each got 1 Crunchie Bar, 1 Dairy Milk, 1 Curly Wurly, 1 mini pot of melted chocolate, 1 bigger (egg cup sized) of melted chocoalte with other bits mixed in like marshmallows or biscuit pieces.
The best part was... the ride! It's a little like 'it's a small word' from Disneyland
Despite the fact that it is marketed so heavily at children I think is a little bit misleading, so here I'll give you some of the practical stuff that means I'm glad I didn't go until I was well above and beyond the so-called 'target age'
Alexia's Practical Cadbury World tips:
-We luckily brought with us a few bottles of water which was a relief as with all the chocolate and walking you do get really thirsty, and they strategically place drinks machines everywhere- at hefty prices, over £1 for 500ml of water which will get expensive if you're in a group!
-There is a lot of walking involved, if kids are still in pram age bring them, if not be prepared for potentially weary kids, there were times where you are sent to walk this way and that with really nothing to look at except for modern Cadbury advertisment posters on the walls, I can only presume this is to somehow 'ease' the queues to send the visitors on a bit of a wild goose chase which is fine if you're two adults who can chit-chat the whole time, not so fun for kids with little legs
-Everywhere is busy, we went before school summer holidays even began and you still end up with about 40/50 other people at any one time which means lots of queing which is why they like to stick in lots of educational videos to stagger the amount of people nice and evenly (doesn't always work though)
-The Cadbury gift shop sells some exclusive Cadbury World stuff but the sweeties that you can buy in regular shops are the same price as a supermarket, there is a small 'factory outlet' part where you can buy stuff a little cheaper if you buy it in bulk (I don't even think you need a ticket to go in the gift shop)
-The illusion is that you'll be stepping into some sort of 'Charlie and the Chocolate Factory' replica- this is not true, there is no flowing chocolate rivers but actually it's rather industrial and much of the educational content seems very 'school trip-ish' and somewhat old school kids at that, maybe 10 years or older to fully understand and enjoy it.
-Keep in mind it is more museum than 'candy land'
We had done our homework beforehand and so I loved every minute of it and I did know what to expect, but I was very aware of lots of kids and adults around us that were maybe even a little dissapointed by what they were experiencing, so hopefully reading this stops that dissapointment for you too!
I left without even eating my free chocolate and couldn't finish the last chocolate pot, and the sweet chocolate scent that had led us to the entrance was making me feel nauseated on the way out.
Let me know if you visited, and what your experience was. Were you dissapointed? Or had you read up beforehand and had a good grasp of what it would be like?
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