The many faces of Mac Fix + - Review

Saturday 3 August 2013

Mac Fix + is the unsung hero of many-a-makeup look for me. I often don't include it in tutorials or blog posts but nonetheless it has been a aprt of my kit for over a year now, and I love it dearly.
Mac Fix + to some is essentially an overpriced spray bottle of water, which in some cases I would sort of agree with, yes it is mainly water. However, for particularly aggravated and unsettled skin like myself it has green tea, chamomile and cucumber extracts which are especially known for their skin calming properties. On this alone I think it is worthwhile.

There are a few ways that you can use Mac Fix Plus, here are the uses that I have found, let me know if you have found any more:
1. A finishing spray
Mac Fix + makes for a wonderful finishing touch to your makeup, I do a light spritz, around three pumps all over the face, it doesn't make my eye makeup sponge like you may assume that it would from a product made of water, and it doesn't cause your foundation to run, but what it does is give your foundation a more natural finish. For oily skinned folk like myself, we tend to use a lot of oil free face products including lots of powder, the result can sometimes be cakey and powdery. A few spritzs of this and you get that dewy glow back that makes your face look like skin, rather than foundation and powder.

2.To make eyeshadow more pigmented
This is where you could just use water over Mac Fix +, but one spritz on your brush and a dip in the eyeshadow pan makes the shadow that much more pigmented looking. I've used Mac Woodwinked to demonstrate the before and after here!

3. Turn powders products into eyeliners

Likewise, spray your eyeliner brush, dip in a pressed or loose powder shadow and you've got a foil effect liquid eyeliner, yippee for versatility!

4.Make that eye makeup HOLD
The combination of water with a powder gives it a hell of a lot more staying powder than a powder by itself. I rubbed my hand back and fourth with equal pressure over the swatches, the left side swatch with no Fix + faded away in two swipes, but the swatch combined with Fix + is still gripping on for dear life!

It feels good to get my secret love confession off my chest!


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