Cute Kitten Fairy Tshirt!

Wednesday, 15 May 2013

I saw a very adorable tee about two weeks ago on which is a website with a whole accumulation of great and magical and often over priced things.
I really wanted the fairy cat t shirt but it was over £20 and I didn't know how good Firebox's returns policy was.
Lo-and behold ebay held the answer, it had the very same t shirt for £12.99 although it was in kids sizes. I bought the XL kids size to be on the safe side and it's even a little large but I love it nonetheless.
I was super delighted when it came, who can resist kittens with wings???

It's their beautiful glassy eyes that get me the most!!!
I wish this breed of animal was real, I love they way the white and pink one is holding a flower too!

If you've fallen in love with the kittens on my tee too you can get your own kitten tshirt here


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