Sunday, 23 September 2012

Whatever you call it
Fall.. Autumn..When-the-leaves-go-brown
today is the start of that change in season, I don't really like the term 'fall' I don't think it sounds nearly as nice and as magical as Autumn, it's my favourite season where it's kind of magically chilly rather than 'frostbite all day every day' which it sometimes is in the depths of Winter here. Maybe it's called Fall because the leaves start to fall from the trees? I'm not sure... Anyway the official sciency reason why today is the beginning of Autumn is as follows...

"On the 23rd of September, the sun shines directly on the equator and the length of day and night are nearly equal in all parts of the world"
See.. and you probably thought there was nothing that special at all about this day today didn't you??
Well you can count on me to show you why each day is so super important!
When you think of Autumn or Fall what do you think of??
I think of the cosy clothes.. I love a wooly knit! And of that delicious 'crisp and clean' smell first thing in the morning where I can wear boots with my chunky ugly grey knit socks, also known as and referred to as my 'porridge socks' as the colour and texture reminds me of the porridge you would get in Oliver Twist times or something, I will share a lovely photo once I've pulled out my Autumn clothes, for now here is a much chic-er sock/legwarmer going into a much chic-er boot than my own, but it reminds me of Autumn nonetheless!


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