New Video: Bad to the Bronze Makeup Tutorial

Monday, 29 July 2013

I've had both good and bad things to say about the beloved Color Tattoos, however Bad to the Bronze or 'On and on Bronze' as it was bizarrely renamed in the UK is one shade that I simply cannot get enough of, Is there anything it doesn't look good with? Please tell me. My belief at this point is no!
This is my current 'every day' makeup look that I drool all over. The creamy texture of the base is delightful. Then I use Stila 'Kitten' over the top which hurt my pocket a little bit as it is essentially just a higher end drug store brand for a little pan about the size of a coin. Nonetheless, I take it all back Stila, as this is an equally essential part of the makeup look, although I have no doubt you can find a wonderful Dupe in the Naked or Naked 2 palette, or probably even in the Undress Me palette by MUA

Cue the highly vain close ups:

I will see you next week for a new video, and in the meantime I will be blogging here daily


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